local storage
- For native applications, the operating system typically provides an abstraction layer for storing and retrieving application-specific data like preferences or runtime state. These values may be stored in the registry, INI files, XML files, or some other place according to platform convention.
- Cookies were invented early in the web’s history, and indeed they can be used for persistent local storage of small amounts of data.
- Cookies are included with every HTTP request, thereby slowing down your web application by needlessly transmitting the same data over and over
Cookies are included with every HTTP request, thereby sending data unencrypted over the internet (unless your entire web application is served over SSL)
Cookies are limited to about 4 KB of data — enough to slow down your application (see above), but not enough to be terribly useful
- userData allows web pages to store up to 64 KB of data per domain, in a hierarchical XML-based structure. (Trusted domains, such as intranet sites, can store 10 times that amount
- In 2002, Adobe introduced a feature in Flash 6 that gained the unfortunate and misleading name of “Flash cookies.”
In 2007, Google launched Gears, an open source browser plugin aimed at providing additional capabilities in browsers. (We’ve previously discussed Gears in the context of providing a geolocation API in Internet Explorer.) Gears provides an API to an embedded SQL database based on SQLite. After obtaining permission from the user once, Gears can store unlimited amounts of data per domain in SQL database tables.
- Instead of writing this function yourself, you can use Modernizr to detect support for HTML5 Storage.
if (Modernizr.localstorage) {
// window.localStorage is available!
} else {
// no native support for HTML5 storage :(
// maybe try dojox.storage or a third-party solution
- There are also methods for removing the value for a given named key, and clearing the entire storage area (that is, deleting all the keys and values at once).
interface Storage {
deleter void removeItem(in DOMString key);
void clear();
- Finally, there is a property to get the total number of values in the storage area, and to iterate through all of the keys by index (to get the name of each key).
interface Storage {
readonly attribute unsigned long length;
getter DOMString key(in unsigned long index);
- “5 megabytes” is how much storage space each origin gets by default. This is surprisingly consistent across browsers, although it is phrased as no more than a suggestion in the HTML5 Storage specification.
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